How Does Certification Processes Work?

The choice of the profession to obtain the certificate must be made within the National Vocational Qualifications, and there must be a certification body authorized by the VQA, which shows examination and certification activities in the chosen profession.

If you know where to obtain your Professional Qualification Certificate, the procedure is as follows:

After the qualification selection is made, an application is made to the Authorized Certification Body.

  • Application form and other documents requested by the institution are prepared and sent with payment information and receipt.

  • The application is evaluated, and the right to take the exam is earned if the necessary conditions are met.

Exam dates are announced.

Each profession consists of separate units.

The exams may vary based on the following types according to the certification received.

  • Written Test Exam

  • Applied Examination

  • Interview Exam

  • Written Examination

You are given the right to re-take the exam for the exams you failed.

As a result of the exams you have passed, the candidate is entitled to receive the certification.

All of the examination and certification processes are carried out by the authorized certification bodies, and individuals make their exam applications to the authorized certification bodies in the national qualifications to which they wish to obtain a certificate. The candidate who is successful in the theoretical and performance-based examinations conducted according to the national professional qualifications is issued a certificate of Professional Qualification Certification and a portable wallet type Professional Qualification ID card within the same format.